The John W. Olver Transit Center (JWO Transit Center) is an intermodal transportation hub. The JWO Transit Center is served by the Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) fixed route bus service, and intercity bus service (Peter Pan and Greyhound). It is also an intercity rail stop for the Amtrak Vermonter service.
The transit center is named after former United States Representative John W. Olver who not only secured the funding for the transit center project, but also advocated tirelessly for enhanced public transportation and stepped-up energy conservation for more than 20 years. The JWO Transit Center is the first zero net energy transit center in the United States. The building was constructed with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds. It was designed to create and utilize its own power through renewable energy innovations such as solar panels, geothermal wells, copper heat screens and other energy efficient technologies. State and local officials look to the Transit Center as a catalyst for downtown revitalization and to boost an awareness of the benefits of sustainability. It houses the offices of the FRTA and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments.
12 Olive Street, Greenfield, MA
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