Established in 1973, the Good Time Stove Company is a family business dedicated to the preservation of the lost art of antique stoves through providing quality restorations in antique wood stoves and cooking ranges. The company provides fully restored and functional heating stoves and kitchen ranges to museums and working farms; historic homes and period kitchens; bed & breakfasts, libraries, workshops, and great rooms across the nation. The two buildings occupied by the business were built circa 1900, and represent the tourist trade that began at that time with summer guests who took short vacations in the country from Connecticut River valley cities and from as far away as Boston.
Also on the property, the Three Sisters Sanctuary is a whimsical and fun-loving garden that has involved several local artists and craftsmen in the making. From the fanciful Dragon Fireplace to the Wishing Wheel Pergola, and from the spiritually calming Tina Marie Sanctuary, which honors the memory of environmental artist Richard Richardson’s eldest daughter, to the Dance of Life Path featuring two mammoth quartz stones weighing 22,000 pounds, Three Sisters Sanctuary pleases both the eye and the spirit.
188 Cape Street
Goshen, MA 01032